pubg new state Apk download
pubg mobile recently launched new version of pubg called "pubg new state".
pubg is the most loved Battle royal multiplayer game. pubg mobile fan base is incredible. pubg has millions of daily users.
after this hug success pubg launched new version of pubg.
Pubg new state has lots of new feature it's based on futuristic Battle. concept is from future 2051.
also read: Stunning Battle Royale games 2021
what's new in pubg new state.
- new weapons
- new maps
- new modes
- new graphics
- new characters
- new clothes and suits
- new sounds
- new interface
- new vehicles
- and also include old feature
how to Download pubg new state Apk game latest version.
There are many ways for download pubg new state Apk. you can download apk from given link.
Latest update apk download from link and follow these steps.
- download apk from link
- Go to downloads folder
- Click on pubg apk
- install app
- after installation open app
- download data from app
- also download obb data from given link
follow this steps for installation. if you want to download OBB data for pubg new state ?
Download pubg new state Apk and data
Obb file is required for Run the game for download obb follow given instructions.
- click on download link
- Open download folder
- find obb and cut obb data
- Before past data must install app
- open app once time
- now open android folder
- Open obb file
- click on pubg folder
- past data
follow given steps and run game. if any issues then repeat this process.